BREAKING NEWS! Friends Dan Rooney and John Luciani have won their seats and will be sworn in to serve as our new commissioners starting in 2018! I remind everyone that Mr. Dan Rooney was the individual that crafted the Petition and you all signed - he is a true champion of the People! Let's do everything we can to support our new commissioners as they take on their new mantle of service.
With the help of thousands of SGT residents, we have DEFEATED the BOC plan to put our Township residents "on the hook" for $20,000,000 for a Taj Mahal Municipal Complex!
But the fight is not over! We must remain vigilant, lest this happen to us again!
Please attend all the meetings you can, take notes, and email them to sclark@yifinancial.com and we will post them HERE so as to be TRANSPARENT with regard to our local government!
Spring Garden Twp BOC Meeting - Feb 2018 - notes by Friend Britta Schwab
Special Hearing for text amendment to Township Zoning Ordinancestors No: 2018-01:
Public comment on concerns with restrictions placed on home owners with text changes to ordinance.
-Recognition of police and EMS workers who provided aid during a medical emergency.
-Building Committee Presentation
*Bi-weekly meetings to determine what to do with facilities over the past few months
* Identified all land and facilities owned/rented by the township
* 33,000 square feet needed for "core" (police, rec, and public works refered to as core)
*Public works could be moved, as this is currently in a leased property. There needs to be $250,000 in renovations. Spawn Ave is this location.
* Ogontz St will need $750,000 in renovations.
* There are 14 options for land use broken in to several catagories
* some options were eliminated: these include options having everything at Ogontz, and having police and core at different locations and options related to renovations to the tri hill location while policeuse it. Lastly, an option to have a two story police building at tri hill was eliminated. Leasing a site owned by Graham Companies was eliminated due to usage rights and costs, exceeding 2 million.
* three options remain these include having two buildings at Tri Hill, site constraints such as storm water are a factor.
*the final option given is a site at tri hill, with a total cost of 9.5-11.7 million for a whole new building at Tri Hill
* This number includes the costs to change the the Spawn Ave and Ogontz St.
* Parking will meet the minimum requirements
* questions related to maintaining grant contracts for the sports field were asked. Com.Warman reported there shouldn't be issues with maintaining obligations for grants. Com. Warman reports there will be additional rec options.
* two "open houses" will be hosted for people to meet with Murphy and Dittenhafer to review the drawings, they may be posted to the website.
* the township will move forward with this plan UNLESS they hear significant objection.
Public comment:
About the sale of the shopping complex at George St/Country Club to York college as this can change the tax revenue.
-Warrents for payment
-5 waivers requested for York Collision, planning commission recommended waivers, which include an additional building. Currently there isn't a sewer system on site, thus there are two holding tanks. There is no increase in waste water. The closest sewer hook up is about 500 feet away, requiring pumping, which will cost about $500,000.
- Public Comment about about removing solvents for this project, which is covered under DEP.
The waivers pass.
- land development plan for 1515 Mt. Rose to increase the size of Domino's, including two waivers. Discussion to move parking spaces, planning comission passed the waivers. Discussion around meeting ADA requirements with parking spaces.
Old Business:
- Appointment of Mike gorgon and John dehass as the alternate to Local Government Advisor Committee.
New Business:
-Approval of Capital Fund Purchase
*purchase of sewer camera equipment, dump truck and Crafco crack sealing machine
-Police Department
* purchase of budgeted SUV, body cameras and in car camera.
All approved
- Text Amendment to ordinance 2018-01 to apply regulations to the use of spare rooms and adding additional text to define bed and breakfasts, approved.
- Approvals of hiring police officer
- Approval of reduction of surety for Regents Glen
-Approvals of police policies 2018-03
-ApprovAL of document retention policy 2018-04
- approval of financial surety for sewer at 1310 Niles Lane 2018 - 05.
- Approval of Stambaugh Ness Business Solutions for police and administration IT services.
- Updated emergency operations plan for York area regional emergency management
-Approval of payment to Murphy Dittenhafer for assement of township properties
-request to change requirements for Regent's Glen sprinkler system.
- Consideration to establishing a policy for posting township information to SGTP website.
-Consideration to accept grant by DCNR.
I left at 9:15pm, before the reports were given by township staff.
Spring Garden Building Commitee 1/15/17 BOC Meeting, notes taken by Friend Barb Rooney
Complex /Facility & Property Assessment - evaluation of Murphy & Dittenhafer
This meeting begins the process of the design, approval and building for our new/improved township facilities. Township residents expressed strong interest in the original plans for a new municipal complex at 1799 Mt Rose Ave. The high cost as well as the extremely busy location were the chief factors in defeating this plan. Public comment will be welcome at future Building Committee Meetings and at Board of Commissioners meetings. Two residents were present at this meeting. These meeting dates are also listed on township website currently.
Four options were presented and Option D2 was approved for consideration and presentation to Board of Commissioners'.
Option D2 .Location: Tri-Hill Rd property . New building will to be on east side, towards Queen St, a single building, one floor (but the possibility of adding a second floor was suggested), no basement, multi-purpose fields to be located on west side of site. Site comprises 5.94 acres. Mt Rose Ave designs can be used for Tri-Hill Rd site.
FOR: Police/Administration/Recreation
(one building is 25 to 30 % less cost than 2 buildings)
Present building will be in use until new one is completed.
Public Works will occupy Ogontz St building. Township will continue to rent Glen Gery Spahn Ave property for additional storage.
Timetable will include acceptance of designs, permits, bidding .......may be 12 to 18 months before construction can begin - approximately summer 2019 into 2020. Costs coming in between $8 to 12 million.
Tax rate for 2018 remains the same. A public hearing will be planned as designs are available for presentation. Township website will post approved plans and information.
This is an interesting time for our township and the continuing support of our residents will assure a transparent transition to the new facilities.
Spring Garden Township 12/21/17 BOC Meeting, notes taken by Friend Barb Rooney
Police Chief, George Swartz, invites all residents to a community meeting on Thursday, December 21 from 6 to 7 PM at the Tri-Hill Rd Bldg. This event has been posted on Next Door by Monte Carroll. Among Items on the agenda and discussed at the BOC mtg were the township upgrades & improvements. Murphy & Dittenhafer will have more details at the Jan or Feb BOC MTG. Jonathan Pinkerton, 1409 Second Ave, was appointed to fill opening as 2nd Ward representative to the Township Planning Commission to replace Dan Rooney. Discussion of Act 42 of 2017, establishing legalized gambling in PA, and having a casino in Spring Garden Township resulted in opting-out for the present.Townships can decide to opt-in at a later date if interested. Approval was given to appoint a Township Treasurer for 2018. Grant Waltersdorf, Recreation Director, discussed the basketball program up and running and the award of a $175,000 grant. Last leaf pick-up is Dec 21. It was announced there will be NO increase in taxes in 2018 and the rate will remain at 3.04 mills.
Spring Garden Township November BOC Meeting, notes taken by Friend Britta Schwab
-Eric Lehmyer read a statement about the positive service of Greg Maust
-A $32,000 gift from township based on collections of a tax for fire insurance policies written outside of the county, given to the Volunteer Fire Department of Pennsylvania was presented
Public Comment:
-Citizen made comment about safety around York College and requested meeting with Police Chief, along with asking to have LED lights installed. Citizen raised concerns about potential illegal activities which may be taking place at the basketball courts near Jackson Street
-Citizen made comment requesting involvement from the public in the selection and hiring process for Township Manager
General Agenda:
-Discussion on Basketball Hoops near the street was tabled until December meeting
Chief Swarts reported he will hold a meeting with York College and Community members addressing crime concerns later this month
Most had nothing to report
Next meeting December 13 at 7pm, Tri Hil Road Building
Spring Garden Township BOC Meeting, notes taken by Friend Sean Clark
Greg Maust Submitted his intention to retire effective June 30th 2018.
Conrad Siegel actuary's did a presentation on the pension. 2018 remains unchanged. 2019 pension contributions will increase by approximately $36000 per year. There is currently a 1.7 million dollar unfunded liability. Authorization form is required. Commissioner warman motioned to accept the changes Zortman 2nd, vote passed.
Public comment none .
Approval of September minutes. Commissioner warm and moved for approval. Vote passed.
Treasurer's report accepted as presented.
Warrants for payment, Zortman moves to accept. Vote passed.
Bids. None.
Subdivision plans, 3 plans for reagents gland given. Rose and craft 79 townhouse units plans ready to record. Greenly 25 town houses plan ready to record. Box Hill is States 32 single lots plan ready to record. Box Hill estates' presentation, Scott at site design concepts. Planning commission has 6 conditions for approval. Same as preliminary plans submitted last year and approved March 2017. 66 acres, 34 lots, 15 acres for residential lots plus 2 other lots. Copper beech road extended to Country Club road with new gate. Minimum lot sizes 10000 ft², most between 10000 ft² and 20000 ft². Private streets matching existing streets come a 34' wide.
Proposal for additional M&D feasibility study. Study to be done for $25000. Analysis for renovation of existing facilities, rehab 6th Avenue, rehab spahn Avenue, rebuild at Tri Hill road. Motion to approve contract, commissioner warman moves to approve, passes with unanimous approval.
Next building committee canceled because additional information is required to move forward. Sean Schlentz asked if we can recycle anything from previous M&D study. That has been taken into account, needs analysiswe, etc. This study will determine cost to fit out new properties.
SPCA contract for animal care and housing, chief Schwartz suggests we re enter into contract, Zortman moves to approve contract come a passed unanimously.
Chief Schwartz notes that 2 officers are retiring in February and 3 amendments are required for the regulation for hiring new police officers in Spring garden township. Commissioner warm and move to approve and this passed unanimously.
Amendment to existing ordinance 2017 - 09 prohibiting basketball hoops on township right of ways. This is impeding garbage trucks and traffic and encouraging kids to play in the streets. Motion authorizing the advertising of this proposal to the public. Commissioner warman made the motion Zortman made the 2nd and it passed unanimously. Public comments, Sean Flynn subjects and feels it limits play options. C. Ecker On Bonbar road objects and says parental supervision will address the issue. J. Ziegler Discourages structures and township right of ways. S Clark Supports ordinance for safety reason. This issue will come back to vote in November.
Stormwater maintenance approved.
Public works supervisor's report States that leaves are now being picked up and the pump truck requires repair and ask the board for permission to rebuild the pump.
Recreation program coordinators report come a closed basketball registration, on going older kids basketball registration come a provided information to board of commissioners regarding an outdoor court for consideration and discussion.
Meeting adjourned.
Spring Garden Township Board of Commissioners Meeting, taken by Friend Joel Sears
September 13, 2017
7:00 Call to order, pledge of allegiance
Commissioner Lehmayer absent; Commissioner Warman chaired the meeting. 15 residents in the gallery.
Service awards – none
Public presentation – Jeff Ziegler, 1524 Bonbar, spoke about plans to repave the road and the nuisance caused by basketball hoops near the street. He cited the damage to cars and the safety concerns when kids play in the road. Linda and Cliff agreed to inspect the situation tomorrow (September 14th).
Public Comment - none
Approved minutes
Accepted treasurer’s report
No warrants for payments
No bids
No development plans for action
Township Facilities Upgrades & Improvements
a. Building committee update – RFP from Murphy & Dittenhafer for alternatives; not to exceed $25,000, time and materials basis. Commissioner Shorb hadn’t had a chance to review it, wasn’t comfortable acting at this time. Commissioner Thomas wanted to defer to Building Committee and discuss committee’s proposal at October meeting.
New Business
1. Adopted Ordinance 2017-06 for a handicap parking space at 536 South Ogontz; neighbor paying all costs.
2. Adopted Ordinance 2017-07 for the regional pollutant reduction plan. Annual cost will increase from $8,000 t $104,000 for the next 5 years.
3. Adopted Ordinance 2017-08 amending the YAUFR agreement to allow Manchester Twp to join. Should not change our cost. Mr. Sears thanked YAUFR for their example of regional cooperation.
Approved Resolution 2017-09 creating police department rules and regulations – this was a clarification of language in the existing agreement.
Approved Klugh Animal Control Services agreement running from 1/1/2018 through 12/31/2018. Current contractor, Mike Ellis, is withdrawing from all township agreements due to other business demands.
Discussion of possible establishment of recreation refund policy. To date, requests are granted on a case-by-case basis. Issue is not critical and will be considered during budget discussions.
Approved Resolution 2017-10 (required by PennDOT) authorizing Township Manager to sign and submit the application for upgrading the traffic signals at George Street and Rathton/Country Club.
Approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $38,399.80 to compensate Barrasso Excavation for added cost on Toann and Randow Storm Sewer Replacement Project. Line was actually 8’ deeper than anticipated. Steve reported that the total cost of the project was still under the $150,000 budgeted amount.
Approved final payment to Barrasso Excavation (same project as above) for $144,299.80.
Update of agreement between SGT and York City for wastewater management. This is an update of the agreement originated in 1976 and last updated in 1980.
Approved the rental contract with York Suburban for use of basketball courts for 2017-18 school year.
Discussed the surety amount reduction request by Country Day. No action – pond still full.
Approved surety amount reduction requested for Penn State Ruhl Hall project to $14,300 from $157,000.
Approved surety amount reduction requested for Shoppes at Wyndham project to $101,600 from $578,300.
Approved Niles Lane sanitary sewer extension project. Costs are entirely defrayed by the owner (James and Wendowyn Flinchbaugh).
Engineer’s Report: Dave needs a signature page for J.2 above
Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Hovis discussed updating the recreation dept documents.
Police Chief’s Report: discussed agreement with PSP to safeguard information from the information network; discussed request from the church at Mt. Rose and Ogontz for permission to have a hayride on township streets for an October Fest event.
Fire Chief’s Report: YAUFAR will have its annual budget meeting next Tuesday at 6:00 pm.
Public Works Supervisor’s Report: discussed a request by Hopewell Township to use our camera system for a couple of hours.
Rec Director’s Report: 5 park rentals and 3 special events (since last meeting?); asked if we could speed up the turnaround time for requests to 72 hours; basketball flyers have been distributed to the schools; 2 coaches asked for waivers of fees for their children – Board is OK with reimbursing costs of background checks, etc. but not waiving the fees.
Zoning Officer’s Report: requested and got approval for 30-day extension for 3 projects at Regents Glen.
Codes Enforcement Officer’s Report: granting some leniency for residents to clean up after last week’s storm.
Manager’s Report: discussed opening up Mt. Rose property for storm debris; reported on the YAUFR picnic in August; reported that he has already submitted Act 205 report of pension set-asides required by the end of September; discussed his meeting with Kinsley re: addresses and road maintenance on I-83 roads before the formal dedication to the township; reported that he would be on vacation until October 2nd.
8:25 meeting adjourned
Spring Garden Township Board of Commissioners Meeting: August 9, 2017, by Friend Sean Clark
All commissioners present
The meeting was called to order and a public presentation was conducted by Nathan tile requesting for township support of the fall girls softball program. Mr. Tile noted that there is a 307 $5 cost for a league registration and they have enough girls to make a team, 10 to 15 girls. They charge $75 per player for registration to pay the fee and uniforms and reimburse Spring garden township for field maintenance. They require use of the Elmwood field facility and Spring garden township insurance. Township manager maust stated that players must have their own health insurance and with that condition being met the board had no reservations.
The next agenda item was a public comment period where Barbara Rooney questioned the status of the mount rose Avenue property and addressed the correction of the June 14th board of commissioner meeting minutes. Attorney Hovis will assure today's notes reflect that mrs Rooney never spoke against the recreation department. Also building committee notes should be consulted about that property.
The July board of commissioner meeting minutes were accepted. The treasurer's report was accepted. The approval of warrants for payment was approved. There were no opening or awards of bids. There were no sub division or land development plans for action.
The township facility upgrade and Improvements, township building committee update. Commissioner Tom warman reports that the building committee has met 3 times and toured lower Windsor township facilities. They have scheduled a tour of upper Allen township building which is similar in size to Spring garden township. Murphy and diffenhafer briefed the committee on past work and the committee decided to pursue a full study of all facility requirements using Murphy and differehafer. Next steps, consult with Murphy & Diffenhafer on what's needed and define the scope of this project. Attorney hovis said we don't have a contract with them at this time and we should draft a proposal. No commitment has been made to Murphy & Diffenhafer. Eric lemeyer is in favor of examination of needs at this point. Commissioner shorb agreed with commissioner Lemeyer.
Under new business, approval was given to purchase a permit management software which was already accounted for in the budget.
Approval was given to advertise the ordinance amending the code of ordinances to add a handicaps parking space at 536 South ogantz street.
Approval was given to advertise the ordinance amending and restating the inter governmental cooperation agreement for the implementation of the York County regional Chesapeake Bay pollutant reduction plan. Commissioner warm and reminded us that we still have a 5 year commitment of approximately $100,000 per year to participate which is a bargain compared to us doing it on our own.
Approval was given for insurance renewal with EMC insurance company.
Approval was given to advertise the ordinance amending the York area United fire and rescue charter agreement.
Approval of police metro alert annual software licensing and agreement through 2018.
There was discussion regarding consideration to re zone 2 parcels at 1788 mount rose Avenue with access through the new township road. Proposal to re zone to commercial pending approval by planning commission if request is approved. Board of commissioners requested to allow them to file their applications but Eric Lehmeyer put it back on the property owners. The board of commissioners is happy to work with owners to look at rezoning possibilities.
Police chief Schwartz requests all residents lock their car and take their keys and also close their garage doors. Operation vigilant guardian continues to suggest helpful crime-prevention tips. Also crime map is available on the website.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Spring Garden Township Board of Commissioners Meeting: July 12, 2017, by Friend Joel Sears
7:15 Call to order, pledge of allegiance
All commissioners present; more than 20 residents in the gallery
Service awards – none
Public presentation – resident asked BOC to support a resolution for fair districting (anti-gerrymandering initiative)
Public Comment
Britta Schwab – increase in crime -> wanted information on response times
Mark Gillespie – concerned about the letter he received requiring inspection of his septic system (“I’m scared”)
Barbara Rooney – are there any new developments or updates related to the municipal complex or the land?
Mark Sindicich and Gary Gilbert – asked the BOC to delay the microsurfacing on Wyndham Drive. There are too many cuts and the quality of the patches is suspect. Recommended milling and repaving.
Linda ?? – more on septic system issue – is the cure worse than the disease?
Andrew Weaver – more concern on septic system inspection
Tim Ruth – announced his resignation from the Recreation Commission. Served 19 years, developed a vision that is no longer shared by the public or the BOC. Made his remarks and left the meeting.
7:45 - Approved minutes
Accepted treasurer’s report
Approved warrants for payments
No bids
No development plans for action
Old Business
Warman: reported on Building Committee. Met middle of June; next meeting July 17 at 4:30; committee toured facilities; looking at existing needs assessment; going to look at alternatives for all facilities.
(not on agenda) discussion of parking and rubbish in Elmwood.
New Business
1-3. Approved together – stormwater agreements in Regents Glen.
Approved stormwater agreement for 895 Summit Circle North (new construction)
Approved Watch Guard warranty and maintenance agreement - $3,600 per year
Approved GIS mapping service. Software and training at no cost; annual maintenance fee of $868.50 starts in February 2018 if SGT elects to continue with the service.
Engineer’s Report: Annual report to DEP silt reduction plan (option 4B). Will cost the township $102,000 per year for 5 years (up from $8,000). (We should have John Luciani look into this.)
Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Hovis mentioned the intergovernmental agency agreement re: above
Police Chief’s Report: Probationary police officer doing very well at the Academy, was named lieutenant of her class; Chief announced training he will attend.
Fire Chief’s Report: met with Manchester Township about joining YAUFAR.
Public Works Supervisor’s Report: Toann stormwater project underway; referred back to public comment, stated that advertising for microsurfacing was advertised and budgeted well in advance – why question it now? Matt Shorb said that it didn’t like a war zone at the time, Mark and Gary are experts – we should listen to them. Spending $50,000 for microsurfacing is a waste of money. Mr. Smith explained the process and improvements, felt it was not a waste of money, could get 3 to 5 years of life. Matt’s motion to cancel the microsurfacing received no second.
Rec Director’s Report: no report
Zoning Officer’s Report: CS Davidson quoted to do MS4 report. $5,000 would fall in this fiscal year, remainder in 2018. It’s an unbudgeted expenses for which the township has the money (from a surplus in another account, if I understood the discussion).
Codes Enforcement Officer’s Report: we’re backed up but we’ll get her done.
Manager’s Report: annual insurance premium due August - $72,150 (lower than last year, includes everything but Workers’ Comp); renewing Delta Dental – no increase in rates; met with Paytime (payroll processing company) about automated time and attendance upgrade. Announced that there would be a staff meeting Friday at 9:00 am.
8:35 meeting adjourned
June 14, 2017 Board of Commissioners Meeting, provide by Friend Annette Clark
Meeting in attendance:
Commissioners present - Eric Lehmayer, Thomas Warman, Gregory Maust, Steven Hovis, and Michael Thomas, Carol Zortman, 20 residents in attendance
Opening: California (resident) worried about the youth will not have any recreation this fall.
Eric: Says this will be debated this evening.
Public Comment: Rod (resident), asked for a moratorium on any new rental properties, and to schedule a public meeting about rental properties. He believes Spring Garden is going downhill and believes the rentals are the problems. Eric – ask someone to go over there and check out the area around Yale St. Greg – says there are about 600 households registered as rentals in Spring Garden, this could be a case of properties not properly registered and therefore no going through proper licensing and inspection channels.
Correction to last month’s meeting minutes – they will not be including fire in township building.
Treasures report is accepted
Warrants for payment approved
Sub-development – 965 Summit Circle North new lot proposal. Motion was approved
Reapprove 75 townhouses unit Rose Croft part of Regents Glen. Discussion ensued about storm water management underground, about 7 that Rose Croft residents are responsible to maintain. Ben (resident) – 25 foot buffer zone between Ben’s home and Rose Croft. He is wondering is the buffer zone affected. Engineer says it will not be affected. Ben also wonders about the clutter of the neighborhood, not enough parking on street, and about the township managing traffic control. Recommendations for the future need to look at these plans harder. Motion was approved.
Subdivide a 4.3 acre lot at Regents Glen at Greenleigh. They want a 90 day extension. Motion was approved.
25 townhouse unit at Greenleigh with a 90 day extension. With a waiver- condition to change storm water management from 4 to 1 grade which is what it is now to a 3 to 1 grade. David Davidson Engineer says that they have to do that because of the size of the space. Eric asked is it currently 4 to 1, and the answers was yes. The motion was passed with the time extension
32 single family lot on cooper beach asked for 90 day extension. They also want to change to slant curve from vertical curve. Also asked for 3 to 1 change also. Motion was approved. Comment form Judy Orcutt (resident)– Worried about all these houses going in, worried about traffic patterns, shopping, and etc. David Davidson says that traffic studies were done along time ago. Hovis says that PA laws says if the development meets with ordinances then they are obligated to put them in. Motion passed.
Greg- Township improvement project, and the building committee. 6 interested parties, all the names were passed onto the board. Warman asked about building committee responsibility outline. Hovis says the scope of the committee this time will be to fundamentally review and come up with a recommendation for the board, and that these meetings should be public, and go through all those processes. Zortman says there were multiple interviews done with regard to space needs. Eric says you should get a hold of them to help plan. Also suggests getting with a architectural firm. Greg – a significant investment was already put into the Mt. Rose property. Says to use the Mt. Rose diagrams and reconfigure it onto the new site. Warman – does the board give the bldg. committee a charge? Thomas says there should be a dollar set which should not be exceeded. Eric, doesn’t see much change in the facility needs. Eric – says the architect will have to review the space needs. Interviews were done for space needs says Zortman. Greg says we need to set a budget or else we will not be able to succeed in a third attempt. Hovis says the committee should talk to other townships and use the current designs to figure out what they recommended cost per square foot would be. Thomas says we should translated this into millage increase. Warman says we should set a budget not to exceed but don’t have enough info yet. Eric says we need to look at what the LEED certification is going to be, the Mt. Rose Building was a silver. Maybe we could step down. Eric says we should make sure it’s a price per square foot not a dollar amount. Greg says we can figure out in a matter of minutes what the debt service number translates into millage rate. Greg wants to know what are we doing about recreation piece. What does the public want?
Composition of the building committee. The two public persons will be one of experience and one the polar opposite. Art Stonge an engineer experienced person was motioned in.
Patrice Fulley (resident)– was under the impression that the committee would come back with multiple options, and the board says that is the case. John (resident) – it is his opinion that the building committee would be a better team with more diversity aka not another engineer. Karen Reed a residential mortgage person from first avenue, was selected to the building committee, Zortman and Warman also sit on the board. 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month in township building at 4:30pm. Trying to schedule next Monday as first meeting.
Fall recreation programs Greg asked the committee where is recreation going for the fall. 2016 had a negative $130,000 net income.
Individuals spoke up on behalf of the recreation department, in favor of current recreation.
Motion to bring basketball forward for fall and bring Grant Waltersdorf on board fulltime. (Grant is part time recreation guy). Eric says that Mr. Maust should be the one to hire and fire the staff. So motion was amended to just keep the basketball program for the fall. Motion was continued. Greg will be in charge of hiring and setting salary for the staff members.
Ordinance put up for adoption for sewage on 440 properties. Motion approved
Establishing fee schedule for the above mentioned sewage ordinance. Motion Approved
Chief hiring a new young lady to replace a retiring officer. Board passed the motion. Also police would like to get $800 more for new equipment. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned
Notes from SGT Planning Commission Meeting June 6, 2017, prepared by Friend Joel Sears
7:00 John DeHaas called the meeting to order. Mr. DeHaas presided as Doug George was absent
Public comment – none
Minutes of May 2, 2017 were approved
Agenda Item 1 was withdrawn
Agenda Item 2 – subdividing Danyo property into two lots (creating 965 Summit Circle North): three waivers were requested and approved for consideration by the Board of Commissioners at the June 16, 2017 meeting. Dr. Danyo will have to pay the recreation impact fee ($2,500) and the sewer fee (approximately $18,000) before the BOC meeting.
Other business: Regents Glen requested and got approval for several waivers related to storm water management and curbs.
7:25 meeting was adjourned
Comments: the meeting was well run; there were 2 members of the public present.
Notes from May 10, 2017 B.O.C. Meeting, prepared by Friend Joel Sears
7:00 call to order, pledge
2016 audit presentation
Required communication
How audit was performed
We provide reasonable assurance that financials are free from deficiencies, fraud, etc.
Results based on sampling and thresholds
There was no test of internal controls
Firm prepared adjustments and journal entries (common practice)
Rendered 2 opinions – GAAP and DCED30 report
Twp does NOT track fixed assets (expensed per rules of “modified cash basis accounting”)
Internal controls – material weakness related to twp letting auditor prepare JEs (OK, but needs to be noted)
Discussion of budget vs. actual – see audit report when it’s posted (note: we need to understand the $3.6 million transfer from the general fund)
7:15 Public Presentations
Shawn Schlenz
Record keeping – in particular statements of financial interest. Many are missing, many have significant errors.
Cancelation of summer rec program after flyers were mailed
Requested accounting of money spent to date on the complex
Darrell Lewis
Cancelation of rec program – we want to know why it was canceled
Everyone was in place and has experience
Flyers were sent AFTER the cancelation
“Rec lady” volunteered to stay on to help
We want the “who, why and what” behind the decision
Can you give me answers
Eric Lehmayer answered Mr. Lewis:
Unanimous decision by BOC. Christine resigned as had her back-up.
No coordination remained; too much liability to continue (pretty simple and I agree)
It’s not easy to hire and train
There was no final decision as to continuing the program in the future
Gut wrenching decision
We took the safe bet, it was the smart way to go
Last year there were 200 total kids (many from other munis)
The mailing was unavoidable; timing could not have been worse
7:30 Public Comment – none
Normal order of business – nothing up to:
Opening of Awards/Bids – awarded contract to Borasso Excavating for $105,960 for a project on Toann Road. Stu Leppo asked why we don’t do this in-house. Because it’s too deep for our equipment or staff.
J. New Business
Open discussion among commissioners about Plan B.
Thomas: define the must haves, costs roll up from that
Warman: we have to do it now, facilities are falling down around us (really?), work with the land we have. Reconvene the building committee and include 2 residents
Zortman: can we legally demolish the building?
Warman: yes – no change of purpose. Committee should have 2 commissioners, 2 members of the public and 2 staff (police and admin)
Lehmayer: have citizens submit a letter of intent and qualifications. Post on website as soon as possible, tell your neighbors and friends. He suggested that commissioners review has served in the past. Shorb is leaving and he (Lehmayer does not want to serve). Warman volunteered; Zortman will serve as long as meetings start after 4:00 pm (my comment – Luciani should be on this committee)
Schlenz – keep good minutes this time
Warman to Hovis: are building committee meetings public meetings (no answer). Composition: Warman, Zortman, legal counsel, Maust, Swarz, Dave Davidson, 2 residents
Leymayer: former committee had these people and go good input; committee is advisor to BOC.
Current shields are beyond their useful life
Extending contract for in-car computers to end of year, reduces rent for next 9 months
No need for current restriction on parking on Edgecomb
Annual review of sick leave – officers no longer required to state reason when they call in
Deduct money not spent from budget
Approved final payment
There are 500 on-lot septic systems in the twp; require inspection and pump every 3 years ($200-$300) part of clean streams act. 300 have access to sewer lines. Warman noted “trigger” 7% failure rate that requires neighborhood to hook up at residents’ expense (DEP mandate)
2018 MS4 permitting – silt removal. Far more costly than previous permit; shared among 52 municipalities (we need to talk to Luciani about this)
K. No report
L. False alarm ordinance
M. 700 mz radio – can I put old equipment on Minicibid (Yes)? Can I serve on PA Chiefs Association credential committee (Yes)? About to make offer of employment to new (female) officer.
N. No report
O. wants to sell old mower on Municibid
P. No report
Q. No report
R. Not here
S. Nothing to add
Next meeting at Tri-Hill
Allison Siegelman – we need to do a strategic plan; website needs enhancements; put the audit report on the website (Lehmayer agreed)
Unnamed citizen: I don’t mind paying more taxes because the twp and school district are so good. That’s all I have to say.
8:45 meeting adjourned
Township Meetings

Township Meetings
Meetings are held at 7PM the second Wednesday of every month at the Tri Hill Building. If you don't attend, the Commissioners can not hear your voice. Please join the next meeting, and bring your friends!
Media Attention!

For any inquiries or questions, please visit http://www.springgardentwp.org/contact-us/directory/
Municipal Building
340 Tri Hill Rd., York PA 17403